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New heating chamber put into operation

Late December, shortly before Christmas, we put our new heating chamber for heating and shrink-fitting of double-shell rollers into operation in Plant 2 in Düren.
The heating chamber is part of a pilot project from the Environmental Innovation Program of the Federal Environment Ministry and is funded accordingly. The background is to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. The major reasons for this are a reduction in truck transports to third parties and the striving for a defined and even heating of the components under a closed and insulated housing without a significant loss of heat.
The heating chamber can be described as an oversized oven with a chamber volume of over 100 m³, corresponding to a cube length of approx. 4.6 m and can heat roller shell weighing over 20 t in a controlled process to up to 330 ° C. These are then fitted or shrinked to a cold inner body in a thermal joining process, which is made possible by the thermal expansion of the tube.
The workshop concept allowed the heating chamber to be installed between the pillars of two aisles of the workshop and thus the chamber to be charged from two sides or halls.
System partner for the heating chamber was CREMER Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH in Düren, who were responsible for the entire design and layout, construction and start-up. The control unit of the system also allows defined heat treatment processes (e.g. tempering) for complete rolls and a timed start of the system.
The picture on the right shows a heated outer shell (3800mm x 4200mm) with a weight of approx. 20 tons, which was then shrink-fitted within a few minutes.
The heating chamber was firstly used for one of the largest chill rolls in the world.
The advanced air circulation technology allows an exceptionally good heating profile.

A special designed oven cart, called SMP is an integral part of the utilization concept, it positions the components to be fitted to one another and is intended to make fitting significantly easier and more reliable.
The Düren member of the Bundestag and Parliamentary State Secretary Thomas Rachel was informed about the implementation and the first successes in the presence of the management of the Business Development Düren WIN.DN, Mr. Mannheims, CREMER Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH, Mr. Ingo Cremer and KRAFFT.
"This is an important contribution to resource conservation and energy saving, which is why the federal government is happy to support this project", says Thomas Rachel.
With this investment, we believe that we have laid another building block for the production of high-quality large rollers.
With kind regards from your KRAFFT team in Düren – stay healthy.

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